To work with others to make disciples of all peoples in Tucson and around the world.
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
To work with others to make disciples of all peoples in Tucson and around the world.
Vision Statement
We dream of a church of 150 families consistently attending worship service each week with 120 families actively engaged in a weekly Bible Study and 75 families participating in corporate prayer. Our congregation will reflect the diversity of the community in which we live and consist of people from various ethnic backgrounds and languages, specifically English and Spanish. Our English services will consist of 75 families and our Spanish service will consists of 75 families. Our elders and deacons (ministry team leaders) will represent the diversity of our church body, allowing us to truly be recognized as one church in two languages. As a healthy church, we will baptize at least 20 persons per year; give 15% or more to missions, including 10% to the Cooperative Program; and actively be engaged in church planting.
Each year, we will send out 20 people on short-term or long-term missions
and by 2020 see at least 3 members enter full-time ministry.